As a marketer, you understand the importance of understanding your target audience. But how do you go about this? Buyer personas are a fantastic way to understand your target customer better. A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and accurate data about your existing customers. You can gain insight into your target customers’ needs, behaviors, and motivations by creating buyer personas. It will help you create content, campaigns, and strategies to effectively reach and engage your target audience.
In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of buyer personas. We will also show you an example of building a Buyer Persona.
Questions to Think About
- When you think about buying something, what kind of person would you expect to buy it?
- A woman who likes to travel.
- Avid sports fan?
- Someone who loves to cook.
- Someone who wants to save money.
You might not know, but chances are if you asked one hundred people these questions, you’d discover that they fall into one of five categories:
- People who love to shop. They enjoy browsing stores, comparing prices, and finding bargains.
- People who love to eat. They enjoy eating out and trying new foods.
- People who hate to shop. They dislike shopping and avoid malls whenever possible.
- People who like to cook. They enjoy cooking and baking delicious meals at home.
- People who want to save money. They enjoy saving money and spending it on things they value.
What Is a Buyer Persona?
A Buyers Persona is a research-driven description of a potential customer. They’re used to identifying potential buyers and gaining insight into what drives their buying decisions.
Buyer personas are often called “customer or marketing personas.” They’re used to understanding and empathizing with consumers, so you can better acquire and serve them.
Why Create Buyer Personas?
You need to understand your audience to create content that resonates with them. A buyer persona helps you do this by describing the people who will be consuming your content, and it’s also helpful for determining which channels they’ll use to consume it.
How Do I Use Buyer Personas?
The best way to use buyer personas is to start by asking yourself some basic questions.
- What type of customer am I trying to attract?
- Who is my ideal prospect?
- Where does he live? What age group does she belong to?
- What problem does she have?
These are just a few questions you should ask yourself when creating a buyer persona. The more information you can get about your audience, the easier it will be to design content that speaks directly to them.
How Do I Know Which Buyer Persona To Choose?
Once you’ve identified your primary user types (e.g., women aged 25–35), you can choose from several different options for how to categorize them. Here are three common approaches.
1. Demographics
Demographic profiles describe the characteristics of an individual based on their gender, age, income level, etc.
2. Psychographics
Psychographic profiles describe individuals based on their personality traits, values, attitudes, and beliefs.
3. Behavioral Profiles
Behavioral profiles describe an individual based on past purchasing habits, behavior patterns, product preferences, and other data points.
How Can I Build My Buyer Personas?
There are many tools available to help you build your buyer personas.
Some include:
1. Audience Analytics — This tool allows you to analyze your current website visitors and determine their demographics, psychographics, and behavioral attributes.
2. Content Analysis — This tool lets you gather all the information you already know about your audience, including demographic data, social media activity, visited websites, and more.
3. Customer Journey Mapping — You can use this tool to identify where your customers are along the path to conversion.
4. Marketing Automation — This tool helps automate lead generation, nurturing, and sales tasks.
5. Social Media Management — This tool helps you manage multiple accounts across various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
6. Website Analytics — This tool analyzes traffic to your site and provides insights about your audience’s interests and behaviors.
7. Conversion Tracking — This tool helps monitor and optimize conversions.
8. Lead Generation — This tool helps you generate leads through paid search campaigns, email marketing, display advertising, and social media.
9. Market Research — This tool enables you to research and find out what your target audiences want and expect.
10. Surveys — This tool enables you to collect responses from your audience about their needs and wants.
11. User Testing — This tool gives you access to real people, so you can test your designs before launching them.
12. Word of Mouth — This tool helps you measure the success of your marketing efforts.
We are currently working with businesses in developing our buyer persona beta testing for free. If you are interested in learning more about our beta buyer persona service. Fill out the quick form.
Why Is Buyer Personas Important?
Buyer personas are an essential part of every marketing strategy. They help you understand whom you’re targeting, what problems they might have, and how you can solve them. They allow you to build better products, improve customer experience, and increase sales.
How Are Buyer Personas Used?
A buyer persona is a snapshot or profile of an individual or group who buys your products or services. When you create a buyer persona, you should answer these three questions:
- Who are my ideal customers?
- What do they want?
- Why would they choose me over others?
Use your personas to drive decision-making around product roadmap, content development, and marketing campaigns. Your personas can help your sales team understand what your prospects are looking for and how they think about purchasing products like yours. They can help your salespeople prepare for conversations with potential buyers. And customer support teams can empathize and offer solutions to frustrated customers.
Building a Buyer Persona: Meet Parker, The Entrepreneur
We start by choosing a lifestyle framework to understand Parker’s demographic attributes. Using them as a framing device for buyer personas is sometimes dismissed as “too generic” but can be pretty valuable. The key is ensuring a clear connection between your product or service and whatever specific demographic criteria you use to define your lifestyle or life stage.
Parker is the ideal customer for PC Social. He is 30 years of age, a millennial, and an entrepreneur, and he has a 4-year college degree.
Now we focus on his interest & activities with Parker. He likes Math & Science and was also involved with Political and Social Issues.
His traits & characteristics are what you would call normal. He is neither extroverted nor introverted, and he is somewhere in the middle. Open-minded and analytical.
Political views are like most Americans somewhere in the middle. In terms of religion, he grew up in a conservative catholic family. But now, as an adult, he believes in god but doesn’t go to church every Sunday.
Now that we have identified his lifestyle/demographic framework, we can develop a Buyer profile for Parker.
We know some relevant brands and lifestyle choices he is most likely interested in. We also understand what drives him and his motivations.
At this stage, we learn which messaging Parker will respond to.
At this stage, we learn which messaging Parker will respond to.
Once we know the type of content he is more likely to engage with, we can focus on some of the sequences we can deploy for Parker.
At this point, we also learn the type of Brand qualities someone like Parker prefers.
Brand Archetype #1:
Archetype Family:
Magician brands are all about discovering the fundamental laws of the universe.
Satisfies Need For:
Mastery & Belonging.
Related Values:
“secret knowledge,” radical transformations, wonder.
Related Themes:
Alchemy, sharing “magic,” and making dreams come true.
Parker, like most millennials, is someone who likes his food preference customized. And is someone that loves technology.
“I love the idea of being able to customize my experience and have it be personalized for me,” he said. “It’s a way to ensure I’m getting what I want.” He also wants to see more options for where people can eat, and he’d like to see more restaurants open up in the area.
The primary shopping motivations for Parker are: Learn Trends, Feel Good, and Socialize/Connect with Friends.
Parker’s current favorite brands include Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, New Balance, Converse, Vans, and Timberland.
Social Media tendencies for Parker are someone who uses his social media accounts daily and loves to share his experiences on Social Media.
Some of his personality keywords are:
Ingenious, curious, theoretical, chill, in charge, intentional, goal-oriented, independent, bold thinker, thorough-minded, tenacious, careful, controlled, thoughtful.
Decision-Making Process:
It relies on the “sixth sense,” “gut reactions,” and hunches.
Core Drives:
Self-esteem comes from being ingenious.
Self-respect comes from being autonomous.
Self-confidence comes from being resolute.
Now that we’ve finished the profile for Parker. We can process and package up his buyer persona/lCPs; Now, you can share with sales, marketing, design & development, customer success, and anyone else on your team you want to understand better whom you’re trying to engage with how best to engage them.
Do you need help in developing a buyer persona? Download our universal worksheet to build a buyer persona for your business.
The Most Important Tool For Better Sales Conversions.
You need to understand who your prospects are if you want to close more business. You can only sell to some; instead, try selling to those you think will buy from you. Your buyers’ personas will give you a clear picture of these individuals and provide insight into why they’re buying from you instead of your competitors. It would be best if you had multiple buyer personas and then could segment them into groups. It’s essential to identify the key characteristics those at each specific waypoint are most likely to have in common, such as demographics, life events & stages, occupations, attitudes, affiliations, lifestyle choices, etc.
Once you’ve worked out the details of your framework, using it to build your buyer personas is straightforward. Here are some of the things to look at.
1. Use your framework to sort and filter your customers into individual groups.
2. Identify the qualities and characteristics members of each group have in common.
3. Condense and consolidate these commonalities and package them up into individual buyer personas
Buyer personas are helpful across all industries, including eCommerce, retail, healthcare, education, and others. You can use them to gain insights into your customers’ needs, preferences, behaviors, and motivations, and this helps you develop strategies that align with what matters to your audience.
In my experience, tiny businesses often need help to build buyer personas because they need more resources to do it properly. But PC Social can help you develop a buyer persona for your business, and it’s one of the most important things you can do to improve your marketing efforts.