The Power of Subliminal Messaging In Marketing

PC Social
17 min readApr 30, 2023

Do you need help to get your brand message across to your audience? Do you want to connect with your target customer on a subconscious level successfully? If yes, subliminal messaging may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Subliminal messaging can help you influence consumer behavior subtly yet powerfully.

This post will discuss how to use subliminal messaging techniques in marketing to effectively convey your brand message without being overt. So, buckle up and prepare for a journey that will take you one step closer to understanding the art of subliminal marketing!

Understanding Subliminal Messaging

To effectively use subliminal messaging in marketing, it is crucial to understand what it is and how it works. Subliminal messaging refers to the use of stimuli that an individual does not consciously perceive but instead is picked up by the subconscious mind. This form of marketing is designed to influence consumer behavior by subtly suggesting an idea or product without directly conveying the message. It is backed by science and has been used by marketers since the late 1950s. However, ethical concerns surround using subliminal messaging, and it is vital to use it responsibly. Understanding the science behind subliminal messaging and the various types of messages that can be used is crucial in harnessing its power positively and effectively.


A Marketing Hack: The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)

Subliminal messaging works by sending short messages below the conscious awareness level. These messages enter the mind through audio or visual cues and can be used to influence a person’s behavior, attitudes, or beliefs. For example, a marketer might use an audio message that says “buy this product” at a low frequency so it is not consciously heard. However, the subconscious picks up on it and could influence a person’s purchase decision. To effectively use subliminal messaging in marketing, marketers should understand how various cues can be used. Visual cues include images, words, or symbols embedded in photos or videos. Audio signals involve subtle tones or spoken messages that are not consciously noticed at low frequencies. Lastly, tactile cues affect using physical stimuli, such as vibrations, to influence people’s behavior.

Examples of Subliminal Messaging in Marketing

Subliminal messaging is a powerful marketing technique that can be used in various ways to influence consumer behavior and increase brand awareness. Here are a few examples of how subliminal messaging has been used effectively by businesses:

Baskin-Robbins: The ice cream giant Baskin-Robbins used subliminal messaging to boost sales of their signature ice cream cakes. They incorporated hidden messages such as “buy one now” into television commercials and printed advertising materials, thus influencing consumers to purchase the product.

Husker Du: This popular rock band used subliminal messaging to increase the appeal of their songs. They added subliminal messages like "buy our album" and "listen now" to their audio recordings, urging fans to support and enjoy their music.

Advertising Campaigns: Subliminal messaging can also be used to drive a successful advertising campaign. Marketers can incorporate subtle messages into video or printed materials, encouraging consumers to act without being obvious. An advertiser may include the term "buy now" in a TV or print ad, encouraging viewers and readers to make a purchase more subtly.

The Science Behind Subliminal Messaging

The science behind subliminal messaging is fascinating. As research in the previous section, subliminal messages appeal to our subconscious mind and work through a process in which external sensory stimuli trigger reactions we are unaware of. Imaging studies have shown that our brain responds to these messages in measurable ways, with activity levels changing in the amygdala, hippocampus, and other areas. The use of subliminal messaging in marketing has existed since the late 1950s and remains influential today.

At the most basic level, subliminal messages are snippets of information that are too brief or subtle to be consciously detected. Often, these messages appear as images that can be easily observed but not necessarily noticed. In some cases, they may also be audio signals that are just barely audible or even inaudible. The science behind subliminal messaging is based on the concept of priming. Priming means that we become more likely to respond to certain stimuli if it has already been associated with a particular response in our minds. If you see an ad with a smiling person, your brain will associate the product with happiness and positivity, even if you are unaware of it.

Tips for Implementing Subliminal Messaging in Marketing

Using subliminal messaging in marketing can be a great way to target your audience and influence their behavior. Still, there are a few essential tips to keep in mind when implementing it:

1. Know Your Target Audience: Before incorporating any subliminal message into your marketing strategy, understand your target audience and what messages will resonate with them. This will help ensure that your message is compelling and has the intended effect on customers.

2. Keep it Subtle: Too much subliminal messaging can distract and annoy customers, so be sure to keep your messages subtle. The goal should be to evoke an emotional reaction — not distract from the main message you’re trying to convey.

3. Test It: Test your strategy before using it on a larger scale. This will help you determine whether your subliminal message is compelling and resonates with your target audience.

Subliminal messaging is a powerful tool for marketers to influence consumer behavior and increase brand awareness. If your messages are subtle and well-targeted, you can use them to drive sales, improve customer engagement, and create lasting customer relationships.

Types of Subliminal Messages in Marketing

Types of Subliminal Messages in Marketing can range from words or phrases to images or sounds carefully chosen to influence the consumer’s subconscious mind. This includes using subliminal messaging to create a sense of urgency in the viewer, encouraging them to make an immediate purchase. It can also involve using color psychology to trigger specific emotions, shapes, and symbols to create a sense of familiarity with the brand. Marketers use positive language, imagery, and sounds to establish an emotional link with customers, increasing the likelihood of them selecting their offering over rivals. It can also subtly influence purchasing decisions by planting ideas in the viewer’s mind without them realizing it.

Subliminal messages can also be used in advertising by targeting specific demographics with tailored messaging. Brands can make a stronger connection and increase sales by using language and visuals that are relevant to their target audience's age or gender. Additionally, subliminal messaging can be used in interactive advertising campaigns such as email marketing. In this case, marketers can embed hidden messages or triggers in the emails that entice customers to act. Subliminal messaging can be a powerful tool for marketers. By understanding the science behind it and creating tailored messages for their target audience, brands can influence customer behavior and increase sales discreetly yet effectively.

Ethical Standpoint on Subliminal Messaging

Using subliminal messaging in marketing raises ethical concerns that businesses must consider. While subliminal messages can effectively persuade consumers, their use without the knowledge or consent of viewers can be regarded as manipulative and deceptive. As businesses seek to harness the power of subliminal messaging, it is crucial to maintain transparency and ensure consumers are not unwittingly influenced. Businesses should ensure they are not exploiting consumers’ vulnerability to make a sale. In addition, companies should avoid using subliminal messages to control existing biases and prejudices that may be sincerely held beliefs. Companies should also consider the potential unintended consequences of using subliminal messaging, such as creating an environment of fear or uncertainty.

Businesses should consider whether subliminal messaging effectively reaches the desired goals. While some research suggests that subliminal messaging can impact consumer behavior, there is still much debate about its efficacy. Businesses must carefully assess the potential benefits and risks of using these techniques before implementing them in their marketing campaigns. Businesses should also consider the potential legal implications of using subliminal messaging in their marketing efforts. For example, the Federal Trade Commission has warned against subliminal advertising in the United States. The most famous example is a case involving Baskin-Robbins’ use of audio messages embedded in its jingles, which prompted the FTC to issue a cease and desist order. Similarly, the band Husker Du was sued for embedding secret messages in their music. While subliminal messaging can help marketers shape consumer behavior and raise brand awareness, businesses must carefully evaluate the ethical and legal consequences of utilizing these tactics in their campaigns.

Harnessing Typography for Subliminal Messaging

In subliminal messaging, typography is pivotal in getting the message across. Manipulating text arrangement can create hidden meanings and associations that register subconsciously with the viewer. Typography can create visual patterns and cues to help the message stick in the viewer’s mind. For example, a brand name could use a distinctive font, capitalization, or spacing to draw attention to specific words within the logo. This creates an association between those elements and the brand, making it easier for people to remember. Likewise, different fonts, colors, and sizes can strategically emphasize certain words and phrases over others. This makes those words stand out more in the viewer’s mind, creating an emotional response associated with the text. Typography can also create subliminal messages by increasing or decreasing font size or altering letters’ alignment to create hidden messages or symbols. This technique has been used in advertising campaigns by some of the biggest brands in the world, such as Coca-Cola and Nike.

In addition to using typography for subliminal messaging in traditional media, businesses can leverage this technique in their digital marketing efforts. Email marketing is a powerful tool that allows companies to craft personalized content that connects with their target audience emotionally by using subtle cues and hidden messages. Incorporating subliminal messaging into a business’s marketing strategy requires careful consideration of ethical implications and legal restrictions. However, if done responsibly, companies can use these techniques to create powerful connections with their target audience that will help increase sales and build brand loyalty.

Marlboro’s Subliminal Barcode: Case Study

The case study of Marlboro’s subliminal barcode is a cautionary tale in the marketing world. Marlboro’s marketing team devised a sneaky plan to bypass regulations and incorporate subliminal visual messaging into their Formula 1 car. The red, barcode-like design on the car was meant to evoke Marlboro’s distinct colors and logo, even if the words were not seen. This tactic is a prime example of the power of subliminal messaging and the risks involved in using it unethically. While this tactic may seem clever, it tarnished Marlboro’s brand and set a precedent for exploiting subconscious cues in marketing.

The case study also serves as a lesson for marketers considering subliminal messaging. In addition to turning off potential customers, subliminal messaging can lead to legal and ethical issues. Marlboro was fined heavily for its tactics, so it’s clear that the public or the government does not accept this manipulation. Furthermore, using subliminal messages can be challenging to measure regarding return on investment (ROI). With clear metrics to show success, any money spent on subliminal marketing may save resources. Overall, Marlboro’s case study is an important reminder that there can be severe consequences for the unethical use of subliminal messaging in marketing. Marketers in the US should weigh the legal and ethical risks of subliminal messaging and the lack of measurable results before implementing it.

Effective Ways to Create Urgency Using Subliminal Messaging

One effective way to use subliminal messaging in marketing is to create a sense of urgency. By appealing to a consumer’s fear of missing out, marketers can trigger an emotional response that will drive them to take immediate action. This can be done through subtle cues such as time-sensitive language, countdown timers, or hidden messages encouraging urgency.

For example, instead of using a generic tagline such as “Shop Now,” marketers could use more specific phrases such as “Hurry, limited time offer” or “Last chance to buy.” Countdown timers can effectively create urgency, especially when the deadline is near. Another way to create urgency through subliminal messaging is by physically highlighting items with limited availability or exclusive offers. For example, marketers could highlight limited edition products or exclusive discounts on specific merchandise with flashy graphics and bold text. This will draw attention to these items and encourage consumers to act quickly before they are gone. When using subliminal messaging in marketing, it’s important to remember that subtlety is key. Consumers should never feel like they are being manipulated or coerced into making a purchase. Instead, marketers should focus on creating an enticing and persuasive message that will inspire customers to take action.

Marketers can target their audience's subconscious desires by speaking directly to them using time-sensitive language, visual cues, and marketing speech. For example, words such as “luxury,” “exclusive,” or “elite” can evoke feelings of exclusivity and power. Marketers can entice customers to buy by incorporating these words into an email or in-store ads, offering an exclusive and luxurious experience. Marketers often utilize subliminal messaging to tap into the subconscious desires of their target audience and create a sense of urgency. Through time-sensitive language, visual cues, and auditory stimuli, marketers can craft persuasive messages that motivate customers to act. However, marketers must remember that subliminal messaging should always be used ethically.

Unleash the Power of the Subconscious Mind: Embed Subliminal Messages in Your Logo

Marketing has used subliminal messaging for years, and logos are a particularly effective way to do this. A logo often appears in most marketing efforts, making it an ideal way to send subliminal messages. Repeated exposure to a message increases its integration into the subconscious mind. FedEx used this technique well with its logo, but other brands have also successfully used it. Tostitos is a brand that produces tortilla chips and dips, and their logo contains a hidden message that reflects their playful personality and appetite appeal. Incorporating subliminal messaging into your logo can establish a strong connection with your desired audience that may have a lasting impact. Incorporating subliminal messaging into your logo can be a beneficial strategy to enhance your marketing messages.

Include Appropriate Visuals in Your Social Media Marketing Plan

As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. And when it comes to marketing, visuals can be an effective way of conveying your message. Social media campaigns are no exception. If you want to make sure that your target audience remembers your message, you need to include meaningful images in your social media campaigns. These visuals can grab your post's attention and elicit an emotional response from the viewer that aligns with your message. Plus, with compelling copy and a well-crafted call-to-action (CTA), meaningful visuals can effectively drive followers and engagement. To make your social media campaigns unique, use images that emotionally connect with your audience.

Five Methods for Incorporating Subliminal Advertising Into your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Subliminal messaging is a powerful tool for marketers to grab their audience’s attention and drive engagement. Incorporating covert messaging into your social media posts can help them differentiate and emotionally connect with your targeted audience. Here are five ways you can use subliminal advertising in your social media campaigns:

1. Use meaningful images: Visuals are vital in any marketing campaign and can be even more effective with a hidden message. Choose meaningful photos that evoke the right emotions and align with your message.

2. Incorporate auditory stimuli: Audio cues like music or sound effects can subtly reinforce the message you’re trying to convey. The right audio will help draw attention to your post and make it memorable for viewers.

3. Highlight keywords: Use keywords or phrases strategically throughout your post to emphasize specific points or ideas without making them too obvious. For example, if you’re promoting a new product launch, highlight “new” or “launch” without repeatedly mentioning them.

4. Utilize storytelling: Tell an engaging story incorporating hidden messages into your brand or product’s message. This will help create an emotional connection between viewers and help increase engagement with your post and brand loyalty over time.

5. Hide secret messages: in plain sight using visual cues such as colors, fonts, shapes, or symbols that hold special meaning to viewers. This technique increases the chances of the hidden message being remembered after it is discovered.

Starting a Marketing Campaign Using Subliminal Messaging

Step 1: Identity Your Target Audience — Identifying your target audience before using subliminal messaging in your marketing campaigns is vital. Consider whom you are trying to reach and what their needs are. This will help you create compelling messages that will resonate with them.

Step 2: Create Subtle Messages — Subliminal messaging involves conveying a secret message without the recipient being conscious. Therefore, subtlety is critical when creating messages for subliminal marketing campaigns. Consider using words that evoke emotion or images that trigger a subconscious response to tap into the desires of your target audience.

Step 3: Utilize Visual Cues — Visuals can effectively communicate subtle messages in marketing campaigns. Leverage visuals such as flashing lights, countdown timers, or bold graphics to draw attention and create a sense of urgency among potential customers.

Step 4: Integrate Time-Sensitive Language — Incorporating time-sensitive language into your subliminal marketing campaigns can also help create urgency and motivate customers to take action quickly. Words such as “hurry,” “last chance,” or “limited time offer” can all help to create a sense of urgency.

Step 5: Test Your Campaigns — Before launching any subliminal marketing campaigns, it is crucial to test them first. Get feedback from your target audience to refine your campaign messaging and ensure it connects with the intended audience.

Using subliminal messaging is a powerful way for marketers to create urgency and appeal to the desires of their audience. Beyond visual cues and time-sensitive language, marketers can also experiment with auditory stimuli, such as jingles or tunes that customers will easily recognize. For example, Baskin-Robbins used the iconic “31 Flavors” jingle in an advertising campaign for some time. Similarly, the band Husker Du used a catchy melody in their song “Makes No Sense At All” to target fans of punk rock music. Marketers should also consider integrating subliminal messaging into email marketing campaigns. By subtly highlighting limited edition products or exclusive offers, marketers can create a sense of urgency among customers and motivate them to act. Subliminal messaging can be an effective tool for marketers looking to engage and motivate their target audiences.

Subconscious Influences on Consumer Behavior

The impact of subliminal messaging on consumer behavior must be addressed. It has been established that these messages can tap into individuals’ subconscious minds and influence their behavior. Typical forms of subliminal messaging include images, phrases, or sounds embedded in advertisements or other media. These messages often go unnoticed by the conscious mind but can influence people’s behavior. Studies show that subliminal messaging can lead to an increase in product purchases and an increase in sales. It is particularly effective for brand recall and recognition; consumers are more likely to remember a brand when exposed to subliminal advertising than traditional advertising. Additionally, it can trigger emotional responses from customers, such as excitement or interest.

Subliminal messaging can be used in a variety of ways in marketing. Baskin Robbins famously used it in their advertising campaign with the tagline “What’s the secret message?”, which contained the hidden words “eat ice cream.” Music groups such as Husker Du have also incorporated subliminal messages into their songs. However, marketers must remember that subliminal messaging is not a silver bullet for success. They should only be a part of a marketing strategy and should complement rather than rely on other advertising methods. Additionally, marketers should ensure that any subliminal messages used are ethical and do not exploit consumers in any way.

Techniques for Embedding Subliminal Messages in Advertising

In subliminal messaging, marketers use various techniques to embed messages into their advertising. One technique uses clever wordplay and puns to influence the consumer's subconscious mind subtly. Another method is to use colors and shapes to elicit a desired response strategically. The use of repetition and music in advertisements can also subconsciously influence consumer behavior.

One way to embed subliminal messages in advertising is to use wordplay. This involves using puns and double entendres, words or phrases with two meanings; one intended to go unnoticed by the conscious mind. For example, a car manufacturer may use the term “arrive in style” to imply that purchasing their vehicle will make a consumer popular and fashionable. Another technique used to embed subliminal messages in advertising is strategically using colors and shapes. Colors alone can evoke certain emotions within consumers, and marketers can leverage this effect by consciously selecting the right color combination for their adverts. Similarly, shapes can convey messages; circles often suggest continuity, while triangles represent ambition or power.

Repetition and music can also be used to embed subliminal messages in advertising. Repetition is a powerful tool, as it helps to reinforce the message and make it stick in people’s minds. Music can also convey a specific emotion or feeling, such as excitement or anticipation. Marketers must use this tactic ethically and should always consider other forms of marketing when creating their campaigns. Utilizing colors, shapes, repetition, and music are effective ways to embed subliminal messages in advertising to get the desired response from the target audience.

The Power of Subliminal Messaging: Benefits and Risks

The power of subliminal messaging in marketing delves into its benefits and risks. Although marketers have used subliminal messaging since the late 1950s and continue to have an impact today, current marketing professionals generally view it as counterproductive. Nevertheless, subliminal messaging has been shown to increase brand recalls, influence purchases and creativity, and change workplace behaviors. Some practical ways to create urgency using subliminal messaging include harnessing typography and using Marlboro’s subliminal barcode as a case study.

The primary benefit of subliminal messaging is its ability to increase brand recall, which can result in increased sales. Studies show that subliminal messages are more effective than traditional advertising in increasing brand recognition and purchase intent. Research has also shown that subliminal messages can influence a consumer’s creativity and problem-solving skills. On the other hand, there are risks associated with using subliminal messaging in marketing. For one, it can be considered unethical as it attempts to manipulate consumer behavior without their knowledge or consent. Secondly, marketers should use caution when using subliminal messages in ads as all audiences may not understand them, which could lead to unintended consequences.

Marketers must consider both the benefits and risks of subliminal messaging before implementing it into their campaigns. It's essential to consider the ethical implications of the tactic and ensure that the messages are suitable for the audience. When done correctly, subliminal messaging can be a powerful tool for driving sales and engagement.


Subliminal messaging is an influential tool marketers can use to increase brand recognition and purchase intent. However, ethical considerations should always be considered when implementing this tactic, as some messages could lead to unintended consequences. When done correctly, subliminal messaging can be a great way to achieve desired campaign outcomes. Therefore, marketers must carefully consider how best to use this technique in their strategies and ensure that any messages are appropriate for the target audience.



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