The Art of Storytelling in Business and Creating Brand Awareness

PC Social
18 min readOct 31, 2022

Memorable than facts alone. Whether you’re telling a personal story about yourself or a corporate story about your product or service, storytelling holds.

A remarkable story helps people understand what your business does and why it matters to them. People often make decisions based on emotion rather than logic, so having a delightful story will help you connect with potential clients and customers. Your customers will remember your company since they associate your name with something positive. If they’ve had a positive experience with your business, they’ll want to return and tell others about it. And if they don’t feel heard or understood during the process, they won’t return. Having a solid story is essential to building your brand. When people think of your company, they’ll think of your products and services and how they benefit their lives. They might even think of your employees because they’ll see themselves reflected in your marketing materials.

In short, storytelling is a powerful way to build awareness and trust.

Why Storytelling in Business Works

The best way to tell a story is to start with one you believe in. Whether you’re speaking it to someone else or writing it down yourself is true. In either case, there needs to be some emotional connection that makes people want to hear what you have to say. Suppose you need something compelling to say. You’ll never get anyone’s attention, and they won’t care about your message.

In business, the same principle applies. The first thing you need to do is find out who your audience is.

  • What are their problems?
  • What do they want from life?
  • How can you help them solve those problems?

Once you know these things, then you can figure out how to communicate effectively with them.

If you’re going to get into storytelling, you need to learn how to tell stories. Here’s why.

Storytelling isn’t just for children anymore; it’s one of the most powerful tools marketers use to connect with customers. And while many companies already know the importance of storytelling, they often need help finding ways to effectively communicate their brand stories to audiences.

Consumers want to hear about brands’ personalities in today’s digital world. They don’t care about the facts; they want to see who you are and why your company exists. This is especially true for millennials looking for businesses that reflect their values and lifestyles. So, to build relationships with potential clients, you must learn how to craft compelling stories. The best way to do this is to start small. Start telling your account. Then, once you’ve mastered the art of storytelling, you’ll be able to weave your narrative throughout your marketing materials, including email campaigns, social media posts, blog articles, etc. This will allow you and your team to create content that resonates with your ideal customer. Your content should also include images and videos that reinforce the story you want to convey. Because when you speak to someone through visual cues, you’re more likely to influence their decision-making process.

To start creating brand awareness for your business, learn how storytelling in business makes brand awareness.

They’re an excellent way to engage people and build relationships. They are a powerful tool because they connect with audiences on multiple levels. We learn from stories, empathize with others, and relate to the main character. This makes us feel something, whether it’s empathy or sympathy, and it gives us a reason to care about the person being told the story.

A delightful story tells us what someone wants us to know without telling us everything. By doing this, the storyteller creates suspense and keeps us engaged. The best stories keep us guessing until the very end. In today’s digital world, storytelling is one of the most critical skills businesses must master. It would be best if you started telling better stories to stand out in the crowd.

It would help if you crafted them into compelling messages.

23 Essential Tips for Telling Better Stories

1. Tell a story

People buy from people. That means you have to start by understanding who your customers are.

  • Who are they?
  • Why do they care about your brand?
  • Where do they live?
  • What do they do?
  • What problems do they face?

Once you know your audience, you can begin to craft a story that speaks directly to them. The key is to identify your customer’s pain points, which are the issues or challenges that keep them awake at night. Then, you need to figure out how your product solves these problems.

2. Use emotion

Emotions drive behavior, and we tend to act differently when we feel sad, angry, or scared. You can get your audience to respond to your message by tapping into emotions. For example, when you talk about saving money, you might say, “You deserve to save $100 each month, and it will only take 10 minutes per day.” Or, you might say, “If you invest in our product, you’ll never have to worry about losing another sale.”

3. Be authentic

Authenticity, you might say, “I used to spend $100 every month on coffee, and now I only spend $20.” Or, “My car broke down last week, and it cost me $400 to fix it.” People want to hear what others think and feel and don’t want to read something written by someone else. So, if you write copy for your website or social media posts, make sure it comes from your heart. If it doesn’t, then it won’t work.

4. Create a memorable experience

Your goal is to build trust between you and your audience. To do this, you need to offer value. How do you add value? By creating a unique experience. A fantastic way to do this is by providing free samples or discounts.

5. Deliver results

Your story needs to deliver results. If you promise to give away a million dollars, but you

don’t have a million dollars to give away, people aren’t going to believe you. You need to prove that you can deliver. Showing proof of success is the best way to convince your audience that you can solve their problem.

For example, let’s say you sell a software program that allows you to track your sales leads. You could show how much time and effort you’ve put into building your business. You could also include testimonials from happy clients.

6. Share your story

Once you’ve told your story, you need to share it. You can write blog posts, post videos, or share articles on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.

7. Measure success

To measure your success, ask yourself questions such as: Did my customers buy more than they planned to? Were they satisfied with the service? Did they recommend my company to others?

8. Stay consistent

Consistency is key. Once you start telling your story, you need to keep doing it. Keep going until you reach your goals.

9. Focus on the result

You may be tempted to focus on the beginning steps of your journey. However, once you get started, you’ll realize that the most critical part of your story is at the end, and the result will determine whether your account was successful or not.

10. Write to your readers.

Your goal is to ensure your article is easy to read and understand. Make sure you’re writing in plain English. Don’t use jargon or technical terms unless you’re explaining something complex.

If you’re writing about a topic that isn’t familiar to your audience, explain everything clearly and concisely. Refrain from it if everyone knows what you mean.

11. Make them care

Most people are interested in hearing about things that affect them directly. If you’re trying to sell something, ensure your audience knows why they should buy your product or use your service. This goes beyond just telling them what it does; it explains why it matters to them personally. For example, “I’m writing this article because I think you’ll find it interesting.” Or “I wrote this blog post because I believe we can help each other.”

Consider sharing some subjective experiences with your readers. You could talk about how you overcame challenges or learned lessons, demonstrating that you’ve been there and can relate to other's struggles.

If you’re selling a product or service, you can offer incentives for signing up. These can range from discounts to freebies. Some companies give away products or services for free as part of a trial period, and others provide exclusive deals or promotions during certain times of the year.

12. Set the scene

Setting the scene provides context for your audience to read or watch. This includes describing how the piece came into existence, where it fits within the larger narrative of the publication, and why readers should care. You want to ensure that people understand why they are reading or viewing this article now. If you don’t set the scene, they might skim over it.

This is especially important when writing long-form articles because you want to give people enough information to keep reading. They need to set the scene to stop reading halfway through.

13.Be creative with chronology.

Chronological order is one of the essential elements of storytelling. It’s often considered the backbone of narrative fiction. But there are some pitfalls you must avoid if you want to keep readers hooked. Here are four things to consider when creating a timeline:

14. Please keep it simple

Chronology isn’t complicated — make sure everything fits into place. If you start too far ahead or behind, you won’t be able to tell what happens next.

15. Use the Proper Tense

You might think it makes sense to use the present tense to describe something happening now, but it doesn’t work well. Present tense describes ongoing actions, while past tense describes completed actions. So, if you write about a character doing something today, use the past tense. If you want to show how someone felt yesterday, use the present tense.

16. Make it clear

If you want to give readers a glimpse of the future, use the present tense. If you want them to know what happened in the past, use the past tense. And if you’re going to emphasize a critical event, use the perfect tense.

Don’t go overboard

It’s tempting to add more details than necessary. However, if you do so, you risk confusing your reader. They may not remember exactly what happened on page 10, but they will remember that you added so much detail.

The show doesn’t tell.

When possible, try to include visual cues to illustrate events.

17. Know your punchline

A good joke tells a story, even if there isn’t one. Humor is often used to convey information about the writer, their life experiences, and what they think about things.

The best jokes tell stories because they’re funny and help us understand something about ourselves, our friends, and the world around us. We will only find the joke funny if we know why someone is laughing. And if we don’t understand why we’re laughing, we’ll stop reading.

Humor is a powerful tool for connecting with readers. But humor alone doesn’t guarantee success. You must also write well.

You might want to start thinking about your target market.

  • What do they care about?
  • What problems do they face?
  • What makes them angry?
  • What makes them happy?

Once you’ve answered those questions, you can begin to craft your brand identity.

  • What’s unique about you?
  • Why should anyone read your work?
  • What do you stand for?

If you’re trying to sell products or ideas, you’ll need to consider your product’s features, benefits, and costs. This will help you determine how much money you can spend on advertising and promotion.

Finally, you’ll need to determine where your ideal customer lives.

18. Engage your audience

A good headline will engage readers. They want to know what you are talking about. So, make sure you tell them. Ask yourself how you can use words to hook your reader. Do you want to provide information? Or do you want to ask a question? What does your headline say? How will it help someone solve a problem? If you don’t understand why your headline matters, try asking yourself some simple questions like: “What am I trying to accomplish?” “Who is my target audience?” “How can I best reach them?”

Use questions to draw people into the story. Questions are powerful tools because they force people to think about themselves and their situation, making them more likely to take action. For example, if your headline says, “Is Your Business Ready for GDPR?” You’re telling people that they must act now. But if your headline asks, “What is GDPR?” You’re inviting people to learn more about the topic, and people love to learn.

A good headline should be engaging. Readers want to see something interesting, and they want to feel excited about reading your article. Make sure your headline is attention-grabbing and intriguing.

19. Be the main character

The most important thing about writing a great blog post doesn’t just have good ideas; it’s being able to tell those ideas to others. You’ll find yourself in situations where you’re asked to write something for someone else, whether a client, colleague, friend, family member or even a stranger. In each case, you’ll need to ensure you’re speaking directly to your audience.

  • If you’ve got a story to tell, start by thinking about how best to say it. What’s the hook?
  • How do you want to position yourself as the expert?
  • Whom are you trying to reach?
  • And why should they care?

Once you’ve figured out your angle, it’s time to put pen to paper. Start with a strong opening paragraph. This is often the most challenging part of a piece because it sets the tone for the rest of the article. Make sure it’s short and punchy. If you’re struggling, try one of these three sentences: “I’m tired of seeing…”, “I hate doing…” or “You know I love…”

Next, flesh out the body of the text. Think about what makes your topic unique. Is there anything special about it? Does it contain a lesson learned? A funny anecdote? Something surprising? Whatever it is, make sure it’s straightforward to understand.

Finally, wrap things up with a conclusion. This is usually the easiest part of a post since you already know where you’re heading. But if you’re still stuck, here’s another sentence to consider: “In summary, my advice is…”

Now go ahead and publish your post. Remember, you’re telling a story. So, please keep it straightforward. Be honest and authentic, and always remember to put yourself in your readers’ shoes.

20. Ensure the content aligns with the message.

A story should always mean something and shouldn’t just be a collection of words. If you are writing about a brand, product, or event, it needs to tell a story that makes sense to your audience.

A story only works if there is an intersection between the story itself and the message. For example, if you are writing about a car accident, the report must make sense within the context of the brand, and it must relate to what people care about. You don’t want to write a story about a brand, product, or event without meaning anything, which could lead to confusion among readers and hurt the credibility of your brand.

21. Make it visual

When you share information online, you have an opportunity to use images to help convey your point. Images are powerful tools that allow you to communicate quickly and effectively. Here are some tips:

• Keep it simple, and make sure your images are clear and concise.

• Include a call-to-action (CTA) button. Your CTA buttons should be easy to spot and link to your landing page.

• Add text below the image. This helps break up long paragraphs and gives your reader a chance to skim through the content.

22. Explanatory story

A good explanation starts with examples or scenarios. This helps people visualize what you are talking about. You can use an analogy, a real-life experience, or even a fictional one. If it works, it will help your reader understand better.

Make sure your readers understand the problem before explaining the solution. This gives them a context to put themselves into and makes it easier for them to follow.

Explain the problems and solutions step-by-step. This allows them to see how each part fits together and builds upon itself.

23. Use Google to find stories

Google is becoming one of the most potent news sources today and might even replace traditional newspapers. So why aren’t you using Google to find stories?

The answer is simple: You’re looking at the wrong place. Instead of searching for articles directly on Google, use Google News, which lets you see what people are discussing across the web.

You’ll notice that there is no “news” section on Instead, you’ll see a list of topics like Entertainment, Sports, Business, etc. Clicking on those topics opens a box where you can type related keywords. For example, clicking on Entertainment brings up a box where you can search for movies, TV shows, celebrities, music, sports, etc.

1. Make sure there is closure. Closing out your story with a resolution is essential. If you don’t resolve something, readers won’t feel satisfied. For example, if your character dies, make sure they don’t just die off-screen. Readers want to know how things turn out.

2. Give your main character a successful conclusion. Your protagonist should achieve their goal(s). This could mean your protagonist gets married, buys a house, earns a promotion, etc. Don’t let them fail.

3. Keep your plot moving forward. Take your time with the action. You’ll lose interest if your story goes on forever. And remember, most people read fiction because they enjoy reading about other people’s problems and don’t want to spend hours solving them themselves.

Why Do We Tell Stories?

Stories are everywhere — we tell them to our kids, read them to each other, and use them to make sense of the world around us.

  • But why do we tell stories?
  • What makes a story interesting?
  • And what happens when a story goes wrong?

Stories help people understand complex ideas by making them easier to grasp.

Storytelling is an effective communication strategy that helps brands build trust with customers. It’s one of the most powerful tools today because it allows us to communicate ideas without spelling things out in words. People are visual creatures, and stories will enable us to convey information visually, helping us make sense of complicated issues.

An exceptional story helps consumers relate to your brand and become emotionally invested in it. This emotional connection creates loyalty and advocacy, which leads to increased sales and repeat purchases. In fact, according to research conducted by Nielsen, 72% of consumers say that they are more likely to buy a product or service after reading about it online.

Stories promote and shape ideas.

The word story is used widely across many disciplines, including psychology, neuroscience, education, marketing, and politics. But what does it mean? And how do we use stories to our advantage? Let’s look. Storytelling is one of humanity’s oldest forms of communication. We tell stories about ourselves, our families, our friends, our culture, and our world. Some stories are funny; others are sad. Some are true; some are false. Some are epic; some are intimate. All of them are important.

Research suggests that storytelling helps us make sense of the world around us. Researchers asked participants to read short essays about different topics in one study. Half of the participants received information about the issue in text form, while the other half heard a narrative version of the same material. After reading or hearing the essay, participants rated themselves on self-esteem, happiness, and life satisfaction measures. Those who had listened to the narratives reported greater levels of positive emotion, such as joy, gratitude, hope, and pride. They also felt happier overall.

Why might listening to a story improve our lives? One reason could be that stories help us learn. When we hear, bring people to bring together. When you think about it, we are always telling stories — whether it’s to our kids, friends, co-workers, or even strangers. We tell stories to explain why something happened, what someone did, or why something is important. And we often do so without thinking about it too much. But there’s one type of story that can change everything. A relevant story can connect us and make us feel part of a bigger whole. Storytelling helps build communities among people who wouldn’t normally interact with each other. Whether it’s sharing a funny joke or a personal experience, stories help bring people together. They give us hope, encourage empathy, and inspire action. When done well, levels can even change the world.

TOMS is an example of a brand that uses storytelling to create a positive social impact. The company says that every pair of shoes sold generates enough money to fund a week of education in Africa. This is possible because TOMS believes everyone deserves access to quality footwear regardless of income level. TOMS creates a ripple effect that changes lives by creating a sense of belonging among its customers. Inspires and motivates. Marketing experts agree that storytelling is one of the most potent ways to connect with consumers. In fact, according to research conducted by HubSpot, half of the people say they are more likely to purchase a product once they know it was developed by someone they admire. And over 80% of people say they are less likely to buy a brand they dislike because they feel it doesn’t care about them.

In today’s digital world, where brands often lack authentic human connection, stories are increasingly important. They’re a way to show people that you understand what they want and why they do business with you. They’re a way to demonstrate how you make things better for others. And they’re a way to tell the world about your values and culture. But telling a happy story isn’t easy. You must start with clearly understanding your audience and what you want to accomplish. It would be best to find out exactly what makes your products and services unique. Finally, you’ll need to craft a compelling narrative around these differences.

If you’re looking for inspiration, here are ten examples of successful stories from across industries.

10 Examples of Successful Storytelling Across Industries

1.Apple — “Think Different”

Apple has been able to leverage the power of storytelling throughout its entire history. From Steve Jobs’ famous keynote addresses to the iPod, iPhone, and iPad introduction, Apple has used its products to tell a story about itself. By focusing on the technology behind each device, Apple has helped consumers see themselves as part of the same tribe.

2. Southwest Airlines — “The Spirit of ‘77”

Southwest Airlines is another excellent example of storytelling to establish a strong bond between its customers and employees. The airline created a series of ads called “Spirit of 77” that focused on the everyday heroes at Southwest. These ads showed the struggles of these individuals but also their triumphs and accomplishments. As a result, the Southwest became known for being a place where people could be themselves.

3. Nike — “Just Do It”

One of Nike’s best-known slogans is “Just Do It.” While this slogan may seem simple, it reflects a more profound philosophy. Nike understands that people have doubts about themselves and their abilities. So instead of convincing people to believe in themselves, Nike tells them to go ahead and try it.

4. Starbucks — “Race Together”

Starbucks knows that race relations can be tense. But rather than focus on the problems, the coffee chain focuses on the solutions. Through its Race Together campaign, Starbucks encourages racial harmony through conversations and interactions.

5. Whole Foods Market — “Whole Paycheck”

When Whole Foods started selling organic food, it needed to be better received by many shoppers. But now the solutions. Through its Race Together campaign, Starbucks encourages racial harmony through conversation and collaboration.

6. Zappos — “Passion Is Our Product”

Zappos is another excellent example of a brand that leverages storytelling to build loyalty. Instead of talking about its products, Zappos talks about its employees. Through videos, blog posts, and other content, Zappos shares the stories of its team members, and this helps the company connect with its customers on an emotional level.

7. Netflix — “It’s Not TV”

Netflix is one of the most popular streaming video sites in the world. But unlike traditional television, Netflix doesn’t force viewers into watching shows when they want. Instead, Netflix gives users control over their viewing experience.

8. Chipotle Mexican Grill — “Food with Integrity”

Chipotle is another company that uses storytelling to create empathy with its customers. In addition to sharing the stories of its employees, Chipotle also shares the accounts of those affected by the E. coli outbreak.

9. Patagonia — “Wear What You Love”

Patagonia is another clothing company that uses storytelling to inspire its customers. Through its #wearwhatyoulove campaign, Patagonia promotes self-expression and individuality.

10. Hilton Worldwide — “Who Are You?”

Hilton Worldwide is another hotel chain that relies heavily on storytelling. Through social media campaigns like Facebook Live, Twitter, and Instagram Stories, Hilton allows fans to watch guests from inside the rooms and even interact with them.


There’s no denying that storytelling is a powerful tool in business. It can help you to increase brand awareness, connect with your audience, and even boost sales. If you want to master the art of storytelling in business, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, focus on creating a solid emotional connection with your audience. Second, ensure your stories are relevant to your brand and aligned with your business goals. Finally, don’t be afraid to be creative and take some risks — that’s what stories are all about!



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PC Social

Written by PC Social

Our company offers services in Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing for small businesses.

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