50 Content Marketing Ideas for the Summer Break

50 Content Marketing Ideas for the Summer Break

PC Social
20 min readJun 21, 2022


Content marketing is a fantastic way of generating traffic, leads, and sales. This summer break is an excellent opportunity to get creative with content marketing, and here are some ideas that could help you on your journey! Content marketing is a fantastic way to promote your brand or company, and this type of marketing involves creating valuable, informative, and exciting content.

The summer months are prime time for fun activities, so it makes sense to take advantage of this by planning some events and promotions. If you’re hosting a barbecue or picnic, plan to offer free food samples from local restaurants. The idea is to provide value to your audience, build trust, and convert them into customers.

Summer Social Media Tips

Capitalize on the summer season; it’s essential to know where your target audience spends most of its time. The following are some ways you can leverage social media to engage with customers throughout the year:

Use Twitter. A lot. According to data from Nielsen, Twitter usage increases dramatically between May and July. That doesn’t, but most smartphones now come equipped with video calling apps. Ensure that all the necessary equipment is available before the event starts to ensure your customers can participate.

Host a live Q&A session. People love to interact with brands via live Q&As, and this type of engagement is particularly effective during the summer. Encourage your customers to use your hashtag (#) or ask questions using your branded hashtag. Then respond to every inquiry within 24 hours. Be prepared for many questions but limit yourself to only answering those requiring additional research or information.

Post photos. Customers enjoy looking at pictures of themselves interacting with your brand; make sure your images are clean and clear and post them frequently. Try posting images on Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and even LinkedIn.

Keep it short. Avoid dwelling too much on things. If your message isn’t spammy, you should be fine. Just make sure that you’re providing value to your audience.

Create a contest. If you have a product or service that people would like, why not offer them the chance to win? Offer prizes based on the best caption, photo, or tweet.

Add a call-to-action button. During the summer, people often feel lazy and tired and might feel they need more motivation to click buttons or read lengthy texts. So, instead of asking them to act immediately, add a “call me” button or link to a landing page. Your users will thank you later.

Social media is excellent for building relationships with current and prospective customers; however, it’s equally important to nurture existing relationships. This way, when marketing your business again next year, you’ll already have a solid foundation to build.

Create an Event Calendar

Another way to reach out during the summer months is to create an event calendar that lists upcoming community events. This can include anything from neighborhood block parties to music festivals and more. Post links to each event on your website or Facebook page and encourages people to attend. When potential customers see what’s happening in your area, they will likely check it out when they need something. You may also consider adding a link to your company’s event calendar on third-party websites such as Google+ Local, TripAdvisor, Yelp, and City Search. These sites can help increase exposure, especially if your city has many visitors.

Marketing Ideas to Promote Your Business

The summer months are prime time for outdoor activities, so why not take advantage of this by promoting your business through social media? Post photos of your company at local events or festivals and encourage people to follow you on Instagram or Facebook to keep up with what you’re doing. Post information about it on your social channels if you’re hosting a special occasion.

Use video to engage with customers.

Video marketing is becoming increasingly popular among businesses, so don’t miss this opportunity to reach potential customers. You can create videos via YouTube, Snapchat, or other platforms and share them across various social networks.

Promote your products using influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is quickly becoming one of the most effective forms of advertising. By partnering with celebrities, athletes, bloggers, and other influential figures, you can increase brand awareness and ensure your message reaches the right audience.

Get ready for the fall by boosting SEO

Fall is one of the busiest seasons of the year due to school starting again and the return of football. However, this doesn’t mean you should skip out on optimizing your website for search engines. To ensure your website stays visible in Google searches, update your description tags, meta titles, page titles, and alt text. Also, provide your site loads fast and uses a responsive design.

Build an email list for the holidays

It’s easy to forget about building an email list after the winter holidays. But now is the perfect time to start collecting emails from friends and relatives who might want to receive special promotions and discounts. Build a list of these contacts before the summer months begin, and you’ll be able to send them exclusive offers each month without annoying them!

Social Media Ideas

The summer months are prime time for social media engagement, so why not share some of your best content from the past year? Consider posting photos of your favorite summer activities, including vacations, camping trips, and family gatherings. Share videos of your kids playing in the backyard or enjoying a day at the park — post links to helpful resources, like how-to guides, recipes, or DIY projects.

If you’re creative, consider writing short stories featuring characters representing your personality traits. For example, if you’re outgoing and friendly, write a story based on a character named “Friendly Joe” who enjoys spending his free time hanging out with people. Or, if you’re competitive, write a story about a character named “Competitive Emily” who loves competing in sports. When posting these stories online, include a link to your profile so visitors can connect with you.

As you can see, there are many ways to promote yourself and your business during the summer months.

Summer marketing hashtags for social media

Hashtags are a way to connect people who share similar interests. Try using a hashtag related to your industry or product to reach a specific audience. For example, if you sell travel products, you might choose #traveltips or #vacationpacking.

Summer Themed Social Media Posts

Summertime is a beautiful time to share content related to summer activities, so don’t forget to schedule some posts around this theme. If you want to take it one step further, consider scheduling posts around specific events, like barbecues or outdoor concerts. You can even create a contest where participants submit pictures of themselves enjoying a particular activity or event. Once you collect entries, you can select the winners and use the images in your next social media posts.

If you’d instead save your energy for the upcoming school year, consider saving all your summer marketing plans for the fall. However, if you’d prefer to keep promoting throughout the summer, include a call to action (CTA) button in every post. A CTA encourages readers to click through to another page on your website.

While you should include CTAs on your social media pages, you shouldn’t limit them to just those channels. Instead, add them to your blog posts, email campaigns, and other forms of content. Think about adding a CTA to your following newsletter, too. In addition to encouraging readers to visit your site, CTAs encourage them to follow you on social media. Make sure to display your company logo along with the CTA.

Summertime Content Marketing Topics

The summer months are prime time for content marketing because people spend more time outdoors and want to stay calm. These topics will help you stand out from the crowd and keep your audience engaged throughout the warm weather months.

Here are the 50 Topics for the Summer Break:

1. How to Beat the Heat? When temperatures rise, so does everyone’s thirst for water. If you want your business to thrive during this season, you need to produce ways to promote healthy hydration. For example, create a video tutorial on adequately hydrating your body using natural methods. You could even explain why icy water is better than hot water.

2. Packing Tips for Vacations

The summer brings warmer weather, meaning sunbathing at the beach is practically mandatory. But before you head to the sand, make sure you pack appropriately! This article offers helpful tips on packing for vacations.

3. Pool Party Ideas

Pool parties are always popular, but this season they’ll Ideas

If you own a restaurant or bar, then summer is the best time to host pool parties in your establishment. People love hanging out outside, but don’t forget to protect yourself against the sun. Use these tips to ensure your guests enjoy the day without getting burnt.

4. Outdoor Activities

It may seem like there aren’t many outdoor activities to choose from in the summer months, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find something interesting to do. Take advantage of the sunshine and explore some local parks or trails. You’ll also be able to meet new friends along the way!

5. Beach Vacation Packing Tips

There’s no doubt about it — summer vacations are fantastic. However, there are several things to consider especially exciting due to the recent string of scorching summers. Share creative pool party ideas in your company newsletter or website.

6. Social Media Trends

With more people heading outside to enjoy the sun, now is the perfect time to explore social media trends related to outdoor activities. For instance, you could show off pictures of your favorite hiking trails and highlight local events.

7. Stay Cool During Sweaty Events

You should consider promoting the event through content marketing if you host sweat-inducing events like basketball tournaments or mud runs. Promote the games in advance, give away prizes, and encourage fans to follow your page.

8. Social Media Safety

In addition to sharing information about the event, you can also discuss safety precautions. For example, if you’re hosting a race, let people know what kind of sunscreen to wear and where to go to receive medical attention after the event.

9. Inspirational Blog Posts

Whether running a small business or a large corporation, inspiration can take many forms. Try writing an inspirational post in the summer that speaks to your target audience.

10. Health and Fitness Tips

Health and fitness are two topics that will always resonate well with your audience. Consider posting articles with

11. Summer Sales

Summertime brings warm weather and longer days, meaning it’s prime time for selling stuff. Use content marketing to generate traffic and boost conversions to kickstart your summer sale. You could offer discount codes or promo codes that lead to exclusive discounts.

12. Summer Recipes

You may not think of summer recipes when planning meals for the rest of the year, but this time is ideal for cooking fresh foods. Get inspired by reading recipes for summer drinks, appetizers, and desserts.

13. Healthy Snacks

Since we’re all spending more time outdoors, it makes sense to stock up on snacks that will keep us energized. Try giving away free samples of energy bars or bottled your summer sale, and create a special promotion or discount code for customers who visit your store during July and August.

14. Travel Tips

People love traveling in the summer, so why not reward them for their enthusiasm? If you’ve been planning a trip, share travel tips to help others interested in taking a vacation in the coming months.

15. Local Deals and Events

Summer isn’t just about fun outdoors; it’s also about exploring cities and towns near you — Post news about upcoming events and discounts in your area.

16. Food and Drink Recipes

Food and drink recipes are a great way to promote healthy eating habits, so consider using them to inspire your audience.

17. Product Reviews

Product reviews are another great trip; write a travel guide for those interested in planning their journeys. This type of content marketing generates leads and helps build trust between you and potential clients.

18. Backyard Activities

The backyard is one of the most beautiful places in any home. With warmer temperatures comes the desire to spend more time outside enjoying nature. Take advantage of this opportunity to share DIY tutorials or helpful hints for entertaining at home.

19. Personal Finance Advice

If you have ever struggled with personal finance, summer is the perfect time to start saving money or learning new ways to manage finances. Check out our list of 12 Ways to Save Money in Your 20s for inspiration.

20. Home Improvement Projects

It doesn’t matter whether you live in a modern or traditional home; there’s always room for improvement. Share photos of your latest projects and advise on how to do things yourself.

21. Outdoor Living Ideas

There’s nothing like sitting outside on a warm day listening to the birds chirping and watching the waves crashing onto the shore. Share outdoor living ideas that will make people want to enjoy these types of activities.

22. Summer Reading Lists

Do you find it hard to motivate yourself to read books in the summer months? Consider sharing lists of book recommendations or books that were meaningful to you throughout the year.

23. Vacation Planning

Everyone loves a good vacation, but sometimes it’s hard to plan. Use your content marketing skills to encourage visitors to act and plan their next adventure.

24. Home Decorating Ideas

Whether buying furniture for your bathroom or kitchen or looking for creative ideas for decorating your bedroom, now is an excellent time to browse Pinterest for inspiration.

25. Free Printable

Are you looking for some printable templates to use with your website? Hundreds of free printable are available online, and you can even create your design and sell them via affiliate links.

26. Cool Blog Posts

Use your blogging skills to share exciting stories from the past summer months. You could post about what happened while you were gone or share pictures of your favorite family vacations.

27. Inspiring Quotes

Inspiration quotes remind you of life memories from when you first moved into your current home.

28. Homemade Recipe Videos

Cooking videos are a fantastic way to show off your culinary talents. Upload a video showing step-by-step instructions for making a classic dish or host a cooking competition among family members.

29. Travel Guides

Are you planning a big trip somewhere? Now is the perfect time to upload images and video clips displaying your destination. Sharing your experiences through blogging and other forms of content marketing will help you stand apart from others.

30. DIY Projects

If you’ve been itching to try something fun and unique, then consider starting a project for your home. Whether it’s a craft, garden activity, or DIY project, you’ll be surprised at how much more enjoyable working on a project you love becomes.

31. Garden Design Tips

A beautiful landscape can distinguish between a boring backyard and a relaxing retreat. Share gardening tips or plant suggestions to inspire others.

32. Kids Activities

Kids are super busy during the summer months. Help them stay active by encouraging them to participate in sports, clubs, arts & crafts, or community events.

33. Gardening Tips

Gardening isn’t just for homeowners. Many businesses benefit from having greenery in the office. Try planting flowers or shrubs in your workspace to improve employee morale.

34. Family Photos

Summertime means spending quality time with loved ones. Take advantage of this opportunity to capture special moments and memories.

35. Online Courses

There’s no better way to learn new things than through online classes. If you are passionate about photography, start a course like Photoshop or photography basics.

36. Summer Reading List

If you’re looking for some fresh material to read, consider asking friends and family for their favorites. Or, head over to Goodreads and join the 30-Day Book Challenge!

37. Social Media Trends

The summer months bring out the best and worst in people, making trends come and go quickly. Be aware of what’s trending and note which topics appeal most to your followers.

38. Summer Bucket Lists

39. List all the activities and places you want to visit during the upcoming summer months.

40. Vacation Planning Guide

Planning a vacation can be stressful, but sharing your experience with others will make the complete process more manageable. Consider publishing a guide that shares helpful advice and information for traveling solo or with children.

41. Video Game Reviews

Video games are a massive part of many kids’ lives these days. Why not write reviews or interview game developers if you’re passionate about gaming?

42. Weather Report

The weather report is one of the most popular sections on any news site. Why not offer yours as an additional service?

43. Workout Videos

Healthy living doesn’t stop when the temperature drops. Share workout videos or fitness tips with others who need motivation.

44. Wishes & Dreams Boards

Create boards where users post wishes and dreams they want to see come true. Encourage others to share theirs, too.

45. What I’m Loving

Use Pinterest to compile images of excellent products, apps, or websites you use every day. Pin them here so others can discover them too.

46. What’s Trending

Take advantage of the summer months to gain insights into what people are talking about online. Learn how to keep up with current trends and see what interests your audience.

47. Webinars

Hosting live webinars is a fantastic way to interact with your audience and provide valuable educational content. Check out our list of free tools to help host a successful online seminar.

48. Your Favorite Quotes

Share quotes that motivate or inspire you. You never know — someone else might find inspiration in them too!

Targeted Display Ads Design to Summer Themes

As the summer season approaches, many businesses are looking to update their targeted display ads to reflect seasonal themes. There are a few things to remember when designing summer-themed targeted ads:

  1. Consider using brighter colors and lighter images to reflect the warm weather.
  2. Focus on fun and festive themes that appeal to your target audience.
  3. Include a call-to-action that encourages customers to take advantage of your summer deals.

By following these tips, you can create targeted display ads that are both eye-catching and effective.

Bright Colors

Bright colors are a common theme among summer ads because they’re vibrant and energizing. Use bright reds, yellows, greens, and blues to draw attention to your ad — also scenes from summer’s past. For example, if you try incorporating other primary colors like orange and purple, these hues will excite your ads and encourage people to click through.

Fun Images

Summer is a fun time of year, and capturing this feeling in your ads is essential. Choose images that feature happy memories from the summer. This could mean photos from backyard barbecues, trips to the beach, or family vacations. Or, you could choose images of children playing outside or families enjoying a picnic.

Festive Themes

Summertime means going to the park, grilling outdoors, or simply getting away from home. To reflect this, select a themed image that reflects these activities. For instance, if you sell camping equipment, you could show a picture of a campsite or a family taking a hike together.


Include a clear CTA at the bottom of your ads. Make it easy for visitors to learn more about your business by encouraging them to visit your website or shop online for call-to-action in your ads. If your company sells outdoor gear, you could direct customers to “Shop Now” or “Buy Now.” In addition to including a link to your website, you could also have an icon that directs visitors to products or services. Ensure to include a message explaining why your customers should purchase from you.

Promote Your Deal

Promoting your deal is another way to attract new customers during the summer. Post an exclusive offer on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Then, invite followers to visit your page by sharing your link. If you have an extensive email list, send an automated email blast encouraging people to shop now. You could even post a unique discount code on your homepage or use Google AdWords to promote your offer.

Update your Social Media Profiles

If you haven’t updated your social media profiles since last fall, now is a perfect time. Share pictures of yourself and your family, share your favorite summer recipes, and upload videos showing what life is like in your hometown during the summer.

Involve Local Businesses

If you own a local business, use your connections within your community to help spread the word about your summer promotions. Donate some of your advertising budgets to local non-profits who support your area. Ask your friends and neighbors to host events where you can give away freebies or discounts. Finally, ask businesses to participate in your campaign by offering exclusive deals to their customers.

Be Generous with Discount Codes

You can still be generous while promoting your summer specials, but don’t forget to be creative when choosing which codes to distribute. If you’re running a promotion for your summer sale, include a unique discount code that only applies to your site. People feel more comfortable clicking through a website than entering a lengthy coupon code. They’ll appreciate your generosity, and you’ll gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.

Include A Video

Adding video to your ads allows you to uniquely highlight your product or service. Instead of just displaying text and images, you can highlight your company’s personality and value proposition. Whether you’re selling outdoor clothing, electronics, or furniture, add a short video to your ad to explain your company, why you’re the best option, and what sets you apart from other companies.

Give Away Free Stuff

Giving something away for free may seem counterintuitive, but it works! Customers will sign up for your newsletter, download your app, or fill out a form to receive your free items. The key here is to choose the right free thing that they need or want. It will increase your conversion rate and encourage them to act. Don’t worry about giving away too much; instead, consider using a little quantity giveaway. This encourages people to return to their business.

Back to School Season

The back-to-school season is one of the most critical times of year for businesses, so they must prepare well. A strong content marketing plan will ensure that your brand stays top of mind throughout the school year. Here are some ways to strengthen your strategy this season:

  1. Craft a Back-to-School Blog Series

Don’t underestimate the power of blogging. Regularly publishing quality content about relevant topics will build authority in your industry and position you as an expert. To create a successful blog series, start by identifying the most popular subjects among students. Use these topics as inspiration for your next round of blog posts. For example, if you sell math tutoring software, write a blog post about how to solve fundamental algebra problems quickly. Or, if you sell digital cameras, write a blog post explaining how to take better photos at night. Once you’ve decided on your subject matter, craft thoughtful questions and prompts that prompt student to share their experiences using your products. Then, publish each blog post in a separate article or series. Make sure to link your posts with clear call-to-actions like “Read More” or “Buy Now.”

Promote Your Blog Posts

Once you have published your first set of blog posts, promote your latest posts across your various channels. Share links to each new post on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and YouTube. You can also post a blog on your homepage and include a description linking directly to each post. These types of calls-to-action (CTAs) work because they provide prospective customers with a direct way to learn channels. You should also schedule regular updates to keep your audience engaged throughout the school year. As you publish new blog posts, include links to your previous posts to help readers find related material.

Create a social media Calendar

One of the easiest ways to stay organized during the busy school year is to use a calendar. This tool helps you manage everything from meetings to appointments; it lets you quickly access information from anywhere. To create a social media calendar, list the days of the week and the hours of operation for each channel. Then, note events such as conferences, workshops, networking opportunities, and deadlines. Next, organize your posts into categories based on the type of event or deadline. Finally, add notes when necessary. When you’re done, print off copies of your calendar and bring them with you daily.

Connecting with Local Students

Your local community has a wealth of knowledge that could benefit your business. Start by searching online for student groups within your area. Some organizations even allow members to advertise their group on their websites. Once you identify a few options, reach out to local schools and universities to see what services they offer. If they don’t already provide a service like yours, talk to your contacts at the school to determine whether there might be interest in your company.

Launch a Student Discount Campaign

One of the best ways to connect with students is through discounts. Offering special deals and promotions gives students something extra to buy. However, you must ensure that you always give students the best deal possible. In addition to offering a discount, you can also provide incentives. For example, you may want to reward students who participate in surveys or answer specific questions correctly.

Provide Helpful Information About Industry Trends

If you know anything about trends in education technology, then you know that the future is now. Students are becoming more tech-savvy than ever, which means that they expect businesses to meet them where they are. Be prepared by providing helpful advice on current trends. Let students know the benefits of purchasing your product over other available alternatives. Help them understand why they should invest in your brand. Savvy than ever before. They expect to receive helpful tools and resources from companies specializing in this field. Let them know that you understand their needs and are willing to meet those expectations. If you do so well, they’ll likely spread the word among their friends and followers.

Offer Free Resources

If you’ve been following our blog, you know we believe in giving back whenever possible. We created free educational resources like eBooks, videos, and guides. While these products aren’t required to gain an edge over competitors, they will undoubtedly help you build relationships with potential clients and increase traffic to your site.

Attend Events

Attending industry events allows you to network with other professionals in your space. You’ll learn new things, discover new partners, and even win prizes! Even if you don’t attend every session, participating will improve your reputation and brand awareness.

Ask Your Customers What They Want

Ask customers directly what they want from you. Find forums and discussion boards related to your niche and ask users what they think. Use Google Analytics to track customer behavior. You can even conduct a survey asking people what features they would find most valuable. These insights could provide you with actionable data that you can use to develop products and services that better meet the needs of your target audience.

Join LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn is another platform that connects professionals in your niche. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn doesn’t require users to create profiles, making it easier for you to communicate with prospects without worrying about privacy concerns. To make sure you’re building connections effectively, join groups related to your industry.

Labor Day Marketing Event

The holiday weekend is one of the busiest times of year for travel, so it’s essential to plan and ensure you’re prepared for this influx of business. If you’re hosting events during the long weekend, consider using the opportunity to promote your brand. For example, host a giveaway where attendees can win free tickets to your next event if you’re holding a barbecue event. Or, if you’ve got a booth at a local fair, offer discounts on products or services to people who attend.


The summer months are prime time for many businesses, but it’s not always easy to figure out what works best. To help small business owners optimize sales during the summer months, a team at Google created a tool called “Summer Sales Planner.” It analyzes the performance of past seasonal campaigns to give owners insights into which strategies work best. As part of its analysis, it looks at historical data to determine when people tend to purchase products online. This allows them to predict whether certain products might sell well during the upcoming season. It might be time to think about your end-of-year goals and what you have to do to reach those goals.



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