20 Amazing B2B Digital Marketing Hacks

PC Social
22 min readMay 10, 2022

It’s mid-2023, and your digital marketing campaigns are falling flat. Nobody likes spending hours crafting a campaign, but it’s time to get serious if you want to make this year count. Our team found the best hacks for business owners who want to finish strong. There are a few digital marketing hacks that businesses should know. By utilizing these hacks, companies can stay ahead of the curve and continue to grow at a fantastic rate. First, companies should focus on creating more engaging content using video, infographics, and other creative content. In addition, it is crucial for businesses to prioritize the establishment of stronger personal connections with their customers. This can be effectively achieved by enhancing the customization of emails and messages and actively engaging with customers through various social media platforms.

This article focuses on the benefits of digital marketing and business intelligence for businesses. We will explore some of the best hacks and trends in these areas to help you take your business to the next level.

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Target Marketing Hacks

If you’re looking for ways to target your marketing efforts better, you’ll want to check out these target marketing hacks. Understanding your target market and using the right strategies can drastically improve your chances of success. Keep reading to learn more about using target marketing hacks to your advantage. Before you can begin to target your marketing efforts, you’ll first need to know who your niche is. Do you have a specific demographic that you primarily cater to? If so, you’ll want to ensure your marketing efforts are concrete regarding their pitch.

One of the best ways to target your marketing efforts is to identify your target market’s pain points. Although you should avoid saying anything negative in your content, saying something like, “you’ll feel 1000 times better when you buy our product,” can connect with your target market. And if you’re unsure what your target market’s most significant pain points are, you can research. Your competitors are the best tool for deciding what people want. You can find out what your competitors are doing or selling and use that information to your advantage. For example: Are they selling a product that’s usually sold online? Use an online marketing campaign to sell your product.

Use an online marketing campaign to sell your product. Are they selling a product to a specific group of people?

To begin, let's create a clear picture of your perfect customer. Pay attention to details like age, gender, location, and lifestyle. Also, think about ways you can directly appeal to your target personas. Try to think about things your target values, like what’s important to them, their needs, and their fears.

Hacks for Writing Irresistible Subject Lines

To craft an irresistible subject line that truly captures attention, employ a powerful blend of words that instantly resonate with recipients based on previous emails they've received from you. For example, if you send out newsletters every week, you might want to include the word “newsletter” in your subject line. Or, if you run a website where people can sign up for freebies, you could say something like, “Join Our Freebie Club! Consider what words people will be familiar with and avoid using long strings of random letters. Remember that email clients won’t display those long lines of text, so ensure your subject line isn’t too big. Also, remember not to cram too much information into one subject line. Most people scan through their inboxes quickly, so you shouldn’t need to provide many details in a single subject line.

To help you grow your business, we recommend sharing your content via social networking sites. Why not start promoting your latest piece of content on LinkedIn today? Your company page already contains valuable content, including images, videos, testimonials, and news. You'll start generating traffic to your page as soon as you promote your latest asset to LinkedIn’s news feed.

In addition to sharing your content on LinkedIn, you can advertise on Twitter and Google+. Using paid tools like Tweet Deck, Buffer.

Instill a sense of urgency in your audience

This is the best way to drive engagement and content. It’s proven that people spend more than 90% of their attention watching videos, making it one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website. And if you want to see success with YouTube, you should start by creating high-quality videos.

YouTube doesn’t offer enough room for advertisers to insert ads directly onto individual videos. When planning your YouTube strategy, you should build a solid channel before adding advertisements to your videos. Once your videos are popular, you can add sponsorships to increase revenue. Regarding B2C companies, Instagram has outperformed Facebook in driving sales and conversions. In fact, according to Curalate, Instagram generates four times more leads per dollar spent compared to Facebook.

Creating a hashtag campaign is a fantastic way to build trust in your brand. Hashtags allow users to search for specific keywords related to your business (or product).

Target Influencers and Their Audiences

If you’re unfamiliar with an influencer, here’s a quick rundown: An influencer is someone whose opinions others tend to pay attention to. For example, celebrities, bloggers, and other influential people fall under this category. Because of their popularity, these individuals often influence consumers' decisions regarding buying products and services based on what they’ve heard from those influencers.

Provide Community Customer Support

The best way to provide customer support is through a community forum where customers can ask questions and receive expert answers. This is especially useful if you offer services like web design or SEO. It didn’t cost much, and it works well. This type of advertising allows businesses to promote their products or services on relevant groups and pages. There are two main types of LinkedIn advertising: Sponsored Content — The sponsored content section targets business owners with specific offers based on their interests. You can also choose from different ad formats such as carousel, image, video, etc. In addition, there is also a feature called “Recommendations,” which lets you promote your brand by asking people who have worked with you before to recommend you to others.

The sponsored content section targets businesses with specific offers based on your interests. You can also select from different ad formats such as carousel, image, video, etc.

Building Your Marketing Campaigns

Although creating a comprehensive campaign may initially appear arduous, many individuals discover that once they begin utilizing these strategies, they seamlessly integrate into their daily routines. The best way to ensure success is by starting small and building from there.

To get started, set aside time every week to brainstorm ideas and write down the ones you think will bring in the most leads. Use this time to consider what topics you’d like to cover and what kind of copy you’ll use. Think about headlines and body copy. You’ll want to keep your campaigns concise because long posts rarely get read. You can also create multiple accounts to post on the same platform. Avoid being spammy and limit yourself to only one account per day. Create a separate email address just for your marketing activities. Ensure your emails don’t look suspicious, and always include links to your site or landing page.

Use Blog Posting Tactics to Generate Leads

Creating engaging blog posts isn’t difficult, but it takes some planning. Consider writing about your industry to reach more prospects and include a link to your product or service. Include pictures, charts, graphs, polls, surveys, and questions to engage readers. Each blog post should be focused on a single topic and contain at least five hundred words. To increase engagement, share links and articles related to the subject on Twitter and Facebook.

Do Online Research Before Writing Any Articles

An article is one of the most important ways to generate traffic to your website. However, writing quality articles requires research. While there are plenty of free resources online, many of them aren’t trustworthy, and even though you spend money on Google Adwords, the results won’t be good unless you know how to do keyword research properly.

Make use of emojis and numbers.

Using emojis and numbers is an incredible method to captivate your audience. These elements not only inject personality into your content, but also infuse it with a personal touch. For example, if you want to show someone how many people they’re helping by sharing their article, you could include several emojis alongside the text.

Think omnichannel

Omnichannel connects customers across all communication channels — email, social media, mobile apps, web pages, etc. This allows companies to provide a consistent customer experience regardless of where they interact with your business.

Find a balance

LinkedIn advertising allows you to target specific groups within your industry, so it’s a fantastic way to find potential leads. It’s also cost-effective to advertise, primarily targeting a smaller group.

Website Content Optimization Hacks

The best way to optimize content for search engines is to write unique, high-quality content that answers searchers’ questions. This will increase your site's traffic, leading to higher engagement and better SEO rankings. But creating high-quality content doesn’t have to be complicated. Build a fantastic digital marketing strategy and start some content optimization hacks.

Headlines are one of the first things readers see when browsing online content, and that means good headline writing can impact whether people decide to read your content or not. To create a great headline, research what makes other headlines successful, but don’t copy them exactly. Instead, ensure any keyword phrases in the headline stand out and help readers understand the post. If possible, avoid including keywords in the headline itself.

This approach would work well because the headline clearly states who did the training, how they trained others, and why people should care. However, if my goal were to sell books instead, I might write something like: “Learn How to Write the Perfect Book Proposal in 10 Minutes. Download My Free e-book Today!” In this case, although the title claims that the book proposal is free, the actual contents of the e-book are irrelevant. I’ve made the headline catchy by focusing only on the benefit without focusing too much on the product itself.

Call to action (CTAs) are visual cues on websites and emails that prompt users to do something. CTAs can improve conversions when used effectively, but those being developed must fulfill specific criteria. For instance, CTAs appearing at the end of blogs tends to convert less than earlier. Similarly, short links tend to perform better than long ones.

Images may not seem important, but they improve page views and increase conversions. Use image alt tags to describe each, even if the description isn’t part of the caption. Also, consider using varied image sizes depending on the device they’re viewed on.

Video can drive more clicks than traditional forms of content. According to HubSpot, adding videos to your landing pages increases conversion rates over text-only versions by up to 100 percent. And since visitors spend 2 minutes consuming a typical YouTube video, longer videos tend to receive more outstanding shares than shorter ones.

When someone searches for something on Google, the results page has two main sections — the organic listing and sponsored ads. So, while your business may appear on the first page, it may never reach the second. To maximize visibility, include extra information in every piece of content. For example, if a blog contains multiple paragraphs, add bullet points to each section.

There’s no need to overload your customers with tons of information. Consider providing enough context so readers know where you’re coming from and what you want them to do next. Your audience will appreciate it.

If your company publishes regular posts, use the same tone throughout. Doing so gives your brand a professional feel, making everyone trust you as an authority.

You heard this one before, but it still applies today. Ensure all social media platforms are optimized with compelling content and calls to action. Social signals play a huge role in search engine algorithms, and thus, optimizing across various networks helps boost your overall presence.

Perfectionism keeps us stuck in our careers and prevents us from reaching our goals. Instead, focus on producing quality content that achieves its purpose. If you publish several articles per week, don’t try to publish perfect content unless you have time to invest in writing it.

Your email opt-in form directly impacts whether visitors provide their contact info. Poorly designed forms lead to fewer qualified subscribers and lower revenue. Before building your form, ask yourself these questions:

What message does this form convey?

Does it represent my brand?

Do I stand out among other companies?

Discounts for Shares

You can run a marketing campaign that gives your followers discounts for the most shares. It works well for any business if you know your target audience and can incentivize them to share your product on Facebook. You can run share-to-win giveaways, meaning that the more people who share, the more entries they get for a chance to win—the more people who share, the more the people who view your content. The more people view your content, the more people will become your customers.

The more people become your customers, the more likely they are to share!

According to a HubSpot blog article, the average share rate for Facebook contests is around 2.6%, which is impressive, but that’s not all. By optimizing your campaign around a specific product or service, your odds of success are even higher.


Gamification adds game-like elements to something to make it more fun and engaging. This can be anything from adding points, badges, and leaderboards to a task to making it more competitive to make a game out of a task that would typically be boring. Gamification can be used in various settings, such as in the workplace, education, or personal relationships. For example, you could award points for completing a task instead of doling out cash rewards, and points can then be redeemed for prizes.

Gamification doesn’t necessarily mean hiring someone to create games; it also means using technology to incorporate game mechanics into non-game situations. Gamification has applications beyond work and can also help motivate people in sports, exercise, health, nutrition, and fitness. Putting together an excellent digital strategy might seem like much effort, but there are plenty of online resources to assist. Watch how companies like Disney and IBM use digital strategies to grow their businesses. If you’re feeling ambitious, think about how you could apply those concepts to your organization.


Split-testing tests two or more web page versions to see which version performs better. By creating two or more page versions and testing them against each other, you can identify which version is more effective at achieving your desired goal: more clicks, more sales, or more sign-ups. Split-testing involves A/B testing, multivariate testing, and multielement testing.

You can find free tools to run split-tests (and other experiments). One popular tool, Optimizely, offers a free plan that will enable you to run up to ten monthly tests. Another option is Google Analytics. The Google Display Network Impression Reporting API enables advertisers to view information about the performance of their display ads.

Build Your QA Site

A quality assurance site allows you to test your website before it goes live. It will enable you to see if any errors occur and where they appear. This way, you can fix them before anyone else sees them. Also, you won’t have to worry about the adverse SEO effects of having too many errors on your site. There’s no reason to do this until after the launch day. You can set up a free trial of Wufoo for a few days to check things out.

Use Google Search Console

Search Console by Google provides helpful insights for optimizing websites and monitoring search traffic. Using Search Console, you can see keywords your users search for and how often they find you in search results. You can gain insight into what pages are driving visitors to your website. This will also tell you what content your competitors rank highly, whether beneficial or not. Most importantly, you can monitor your rankings and track how much traffic you receive for specific keyword phrases. Use this info to improve your efforts in the future.

Use Google AdWords Conversion Tracking Tool

Google’s free conversion tracking tool helps you understand how well your website converts. It gives you detailed stats on how people reached your site, what they did once there, and how long they stayed. You’ll get data like this for each stage of the user journey:

  • What steps do people take in the buying process?
  • How each step influences conversions
  • Which parts of your site convert the most?

This tool is excellent for finding holes in your marketing funnel because you can use it to pinpoint where people drop off. If you find that some pages on your website aren’t converting as expected, you can work to optimize those areas.

Create an email list to receive emails from users who have answered a question on your website. Letting potential customers opt-in to receive your messages keeps them engaged with your brand. Allowing them to sign up for updates creates a better relationship between you and your audience. Plus, it saves you time when sending emails, and you don’t need to send newsletters manually! Instead, you can email new subscribers through your list whenever you release recent blog posts, product announcements, or other important news.

Create an FAQ Section

The most important thing to remember when creating a FAQ section is to keep it brief. It should only include the most frequent questions people ask, so don’t waste space listing every detail of your business. When possible, link directly to the relevant page within your website so that users know where to go after reading.

Add video tutorials to your website

Adding videos to your website is one of the best ways to increase user engagement. Videos give users another option besides text for learning about your products. Users can watch videos while browsing your site instead of wasting time trying to read dense information. They might even share the videos with friends, leading to more clients and sales. As stated earlier, your website has several distinct types of content. Having a clear idea of which kind of content you want to create first will help you narrow down your topic choice. For example, if you’re writing a blog post, you may decide to write about SEO (which includes topics like “how to write articles that rank higher”), or you may choose a topic that requires research (like “top 10 SEO mistakes made by novice bloggers”). Here, the point is to start broad and then pick a narrower topic later.


One of the best ways to do this is by using commands. Commands are simple, two-word phrases that you can use to get people to act. For example, if you want people to subscribe to your email list, you can use the “subscribe now.” If you want people to buy your product, you can use the command “buy now.” Commands are powerful because they are straightforward. When people see a command, they know what they need to do. And when you use commands consistently, you will see a significant increase in traffic and conversions to your website.

Moreover, commanding people to act is a fantastic way to build credibility. When people see you commanding them, they will be more likely to engage with you and take your advice. To get the most benefits from using commands, you should use them in your headlines, product descriptions, and anywhere else where you can direct people to act.

To get more out of your commands, you should use macro commands.

Commands lend themselves to a variety of marketing strategies. For example, if you are running a contest, you can use commands to generate traffic to your contest page and increase your chances of attracting more customers. If you are running a landing page, you can use commands to get people to opt-in to your email list or take the next step to buy.

Commands are also effective for getting people to engage with your Facebook Page.

Offer An Easy Buying Process

The best way to attract customers is by offering them a seamless purchasing experience. It means making it easy for people to buy from you, whether they want to pay online or through a mobile app. For example, if someone wants to buy a product, they should be able to find the information they need quickly without having to navigate through several pages. While you don’t have to go overboard, add as many features as possible to make buying easier.

Here are some things you should consider:

If you follow these tips, you will give yourself a leg up on other businesses. You can grow your sales and expand your customer base by making it easy for people who visit your site to buy from you.

Latent Semantic Indexing LSI

LSI is a technique used by search engines like Google to identify relevant content within web pages. It works by analyzing the words on a page and identifying patterns and themes, and this helps it understand which parts of a page are most important. Using LSI, a page containing specific keywords will include those exact keywords throughout its text.

This is done because both users and search engines look for similar phrases when searching for information while ignoring unrelated ones. When users search for “accountant,” they expect to see results related to accounting. Similarly, when a search engine indexes a website, it looks for keywords frequently appearing across the page. When someone types in ‘accountants’ into Google, they return websites with many references to that phrase.

You can use LSI to optimize your website. If you do keyword research, you will discover any existing terms already being searched for. These are called ‘hot’ keywords, representing good opportunities to rank well in search engines. Once you know what keywords people seek, you can optimize your content around them.

For example, if you own an accounting firm and your target audience includes people who work in finance, you might create articles that focus on topics like ‘tax-saving strategies,’ ‘how to reduce taxes,’ and ‘what to do with tax refunds, etc.

If you’re not sure how to apply LSI, here are some simple rules to remember:

1. Start by choosing three or four main keywords describing the content type you want to attract. Write down all the variations of each keyword you think people might enter.

2. Now, list every phrase that matches one of these keywords. Make sure each one has its own line. Remember, LSI identifies patterns in sentences, paragraphs, and even individual words. So, if you find a sentence that reads:

“The company provides excellent service to clients,” you may want to write about “Service Providers” instead.

3. Go through each of the lists of keywords you created earlier and matched each one against each line containing a keyword variation. For example, if you found a line that read: “We provide excellent service to us, “you could change this to “Our customers benefit from our services.”

4. Each time you come across an unfamiliar word or phrase, add it to your list of potential keywords. Check your work periodically to ensure no lines have disappeared.

5. Once you’ve completed the list, go back to step 2 and repeat the process until you have exhausted all combinations. Doing so should help you create a comprehensive list of keywords that you can later copy and paste into your articles, website meta description, and title tag.

6. Finally, test a few selected keywords on your website before publishing. If they don’t perform well, try again with different variations of the same term.

7. Repeat steps 1–6

Start Link Building Strategy

Link building is one of the most important aspects of SEO because it helps search engines find your website. The best way to build links is through guest posting, which involves writing content for another site and asking them if they would like to publish it on theirs. It will give you valuable backlinks and help you establish yourself as an expert in your field. Here’s how:

When starting with link building, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the various techniques.

When someone wants to post something on your blog, ask them to consider submitting it to yours as a guest post. They won’t get paid for their efforts but will gain tons of traffic, * Guest Posting — social media shares, and brand recognition.

* Directory Submissions — A directory submission is essential when you submit information about a business on websites. These directories are often prevalent and can bring you many visitors if presented correctly. However, many pitfalls are associated with directory submissions, so make sure you know what you’re doing before diving in headfirst.

Like directory submission, forum postings involve submitting your information on websites belonging to other people. However, like directories, forums tend to attract a specific type of visitor. That means that if you’re * Forum Postings — marketing products, you’ll better use forum postings rather than directory submissions.

* Blog Commenting — One of the easiest ways to earn links from high-authority blogs is by commenting. There are two main types of comments:

  • Comments on relevant posts — This involves leaving helpful, informative comments on blog posts written by the blog owner. For example, if I were blogging about running routes, I might comment on a post written by somebody else who was talking about training for marathons.
  • Comments on non-relevant posts — This involves commenting on any old post, whether related to the topic. In this case, you’d leave a comment saying, “Hey! Great article!” regardless of whether it’s true.

Optimize Meta Descriptions

The meta description is one of the most critical parts of any page on Google. Search engines like Google and Bing use it to determine what information should appear in the snippet below the title tag. This snippet will show up in the search results if someone searches for something related to the content on your site.

Your meta description should always be under 200 characters long. Any longer than that, users start to see “carrier pigeons” (as opposed to the actual text) above organic results. You can test this for yourself by searching for a keyword on Google. Try using different keywords and notice how the length changes. Don’t worry about being too short, either. Users still read the full descriptions; it just makes sense to keep it between 100–150 characters if possible.

Make it easy for mobile searchers.

If Google continues to push for more mobile-friendly web pages, your job becomes more manageable. Mobile search results are increasingly becoming the norm. Instead of typing in the URL, users click on the link, immediately taking to the web page.

That said, not all mobile search results are created equal. Make sure your mobile pages have some unique value proposition compared to the rest of your website. For example, look at these three variations of the same webpage. The first has been optimized for desktop browsers, the second for tablets, and the third for phones.

While the layout isn’t the same across each variation, the content remains unchanged. This approach shows that sometimes less is more, but only when mobile optimization.

Rewarding Customers

Giving away freebies is an effective way to get new customers. You can increase your conversion rate by offering a limited-time promotion. Offline, you see this tactic used by retailers who give a special discount to the first hundred customers. You can use the same strategy as Huawei and offer a limited-time promotion for the first 100 purchases online.

You could also try setting up a remarkable landing page for the promotion. This would help users remember where they came from so they return later. If they find the product or service through another channel, they can click back to check out the landing page.

Offer discounts during peak times.

According to eMarketer, business days occur every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. That means there are four peaks and troughs in a year. Businesses need to know which period is optimal for promotions and capitalize on the right moments. For instance, if you want to promote a new tool, it makes sense before the holidays. However, if you’re promoting a sale, it might not make sense to do so during Thanksgiving week.

Rather than focusing on traffic generation, focus on conversions; traffic doesn’t guarantee sales. When it comes to generating revenue, it’s quite the opposite.

Most marketers worry about getting visitors rather than converting them into leads. And while traffic may bring in new customers, turning them into loyal clients requires intelligent marketing strategies.

Lead Generating Articles

Blogging is an art form; you need to know what makes a blog work. If you want to write a lead-generating article, you can do a few things to ensure it’s successful. First, you’ll want to ensure your article addresses a problem your target audience faces. Then, you’ll want to provide a solution to that problem in your article.

The best blogs feature case studies. These articles show how someone else solved a problem using your product or service. For example, if you sell software, you can research other companies with similar issues that yours solves. Create a spreadsheet with information about the company and its size, industry, and market segment. Use that data to find out what worked well for them. Then, write a case study describing what they did. Your goal here is to copy their success. Keep your personality out of the article since it will seem disingenuous. Instead, focus on highlighting the benefits of your product or service. Ensure you include plenty of details underlining why the company was successful.

Then, write a call to action in the last sentence of your post. Include all relevant contact information like email address, phone number, and website URL. Make sure it’s concise. Let people know they can contact you if they have any questions. Once you finish writing your article, share it on social media channels. Post links to the article on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Google+. All these platforms allow you to track the performance of each link and engage with your followers.

You should continue doing regular outreach. This keeps you top-of-mind with prospects and helps you stay fresh in their minds. I suggest sending personalized emails once per month. To be effective, try sending emails at least twice a month.

Create Sticky Menus

Sticky menus are unique in that they are always visible, even on a small screen, and will always position in the top left corner of the viewing window, and the layout will remain in the same position even when a new window opens minimized.

An upside of sticky menus is getting rid of the footer.

Sticky menus are ideal for business-to-business websites as they stick with the user throughout their journey. Menus are a rough structure of your website. A long-page format prefers due to the ability to hold more content. Users are now used to scrolling instead of swiping back and forth across pages, and having a long-page format requires much scrolling back and forth to find what you need. Having a sticky menu will help users navigate your site easily. Sticky menus use on longer landing pages, such as those with a free consultation or free trial. The sticky menu is an excellent alternative to large call-to-action banners that can overwhelm the page.

Note: Adding a sticky menu to a landing page is usually not recommended, as it can come off as very pushy.

You should adopt this feature as soon as possible because it will make your site easier.


Digital marketing is a complex and ever-changing field, so the best way to stay ahead of the curve is to keep learning and experimenting. The hacks in this article are just a starting point — use them as a springboard to produce your creative solutions to B2B digital marketing challenges. With ingenuity and challenging work, you can take your B2B digital marketing campaigns to the next level in 2022 and beyond.

Originally published at https://pprojectconsultants.com on May 10, 2022.



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Our company offers services in Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing for small businesses.