Content marketing is essential to any company’s marketing strategy, especially now that more consumers are creating content themselves. As companies realize the importance of content marketing, they’re starting to invest more money into it. In fact, according to a study done by HubSpot, the average cost per lead generated from a piece of content marketing is over three times higher than traditional advertising methods.
Content marketing is an essential part of digital marketing. It’s expected to grow from $400 billion today to $900 billion by 2028.
As more people start producing content, there are fewer barriers to entry. This means anyone can become a creator and start sharing their ideas online. But it doesn’t mean that everyone can do it well. There are still some things you need to know about content creation to ensure that what you put out there is effective.
A new study shows that content marketing is on the rise.
According to HubSpot, content marketing use is on the upswing, increasing by 25% in 2017 alone. This is good news for marketers because there are plenty of tools to help you create compelling content. You don’t even need to hire writers; many companies offer free templates and software to make creating content more accessible. The most important thing to remember about content marketing is that it requires patience. If you’re looking to grow your brand, you’ll need to produce high-quality content consistently. Yet, once you start creating content regularly, you’ll see a boost in traffic and sales.
Below we will highlight 10 Statistics you need to know for content marketing in 2023. Learn about the stats below and implement your business’s marketing strategies. Our team consistently publishes stats on Digital Marketing and Business Intelligence, so make sure to subscribe to our newsletter.
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